The fighting styles are named after movie stars from the late 20th century. The fighting style chosen determines the pilot's attributes, the FENRIR they have and any special techniques. Pilots may even try to mimic the appearance of the star whom their style is named after.
Fighting Style codes : |
The Pilots Named after the popular Hong Kong action hero Jackie Chan, Chans excel at close quarters combat. Agility and a bewildering array of martial arts maneouvres are the crux of their piloting technique. Chan pilots feel most at home flipping cars at opponents or leaping off buildings. Attributes :
FENRIR The Chan FENRIR is built for close combat. Lightly armoured with few armaments the Chan is fast and maneouvrable. The 2-handed sword it carries adequately makes up for Chan's lack of firepower. Specs:
The Pilots Following the ways of the great master Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnies prefer to use lots of really big guns. Their technique consists of them wading carelessly into danger, shrugging off enemy attacks, until they utter that immortal cry "Hasta la vista baby!" and then bring everything to bear on their unfortunate opponent. Attributes :
FENRIR The Arnie FENRIR is your standard heavily armoured, gun stacked, killing machine. The least maneourvable of the FENRIR, it bristles with guns, as well as carrying the awesome R.O.G (Ridiculously Overpowered Gun). Specs:
The Pilots Naming themselves after the famous female action star Sigourney Weaver, they are formidable pilots. All Sigourneys are or must look female. Men wishing to follow this fighting style have been known to have sex-change operations in order to join! Attributes :
FENRIR The Sigourney FENRIR design is an elegant compromise between maneourvability and firepower. Suitable for tactical support, the Sigourney has the added advantage of being fitted with the newly developed Holoprojector. Specs:
The Pilots The Woos base their fighting-style on techniques used by action heroes in John Woo movies. Some of the other fighting styles believe that discipline and training is the key to success. Woos on the other hand believe all problems in life can be solved by twin 30mm FENRIR sized automatic pistols. Attributes :
FENRIR The Woo FENRIR has medium armour and a moderate degree of maneouvrability. This configuration enables the Woo FENRIR to keep more or less in one piece, while getting close enough to an opponent to use it Autos. Specs: